Activitats i visites

La nostra estada a Soncillo és una oportunitat perquè els alumnes i les alumnes estiguin en contacte amb la llengua anglesa, tot assentant coneixements gramaticals i vocabulari mentre realitzen un seguit d'activitats, en alguns casos, de caràcter lúdic. És per això que us deixem una petita mostra de quins temes treballarem aquests dies.


Day 1             Sustainable Development:

Language of speculation and prediction, expressing beliefs and opinion, agreeing and disagreeing, 0 and First conditional to express possible future events

Day 2             Reduce, Reuse, And Recycle:

Vocabulary – Waste, rubbish, everyday items, describing things and processes, using narrative tenses and the passive voice, modal verb “can”, language of advice and persuasion (you must/should/have to etc)

Day 3             Renewable Energies:

Language of contrast (comparative and superlatives), functional language (imperative form) for giving and following instructions, functional language for debating

Day 4             Natural and Cultural Environment

Present simple tense to describe habitual actions and daily routines, adverbs of frequency, more narrative tenses

Day 5             The Global Village. Cultural Diversity

Vocabulary of the internet such as blog, social network, tag, etc and commonly used abbreviations and terminology such as lol, focus on question formation

These are the main and planned language points for each theme; however, there will be many spontaneous ideas for language input from the student’s individual interests and questions, and these may be modified and or changed as the week progresses.

The language input becomes more ambitious as the days go by, and each day allows for practise of the previous day’s language.

Our aim is to gently encourage the children’s ability and motivation to express them in English in a safe and friendly environment.

The language objectives are uncomplicated and relevant to the students, and have been chosen as they are simple and useful tools for self expression.


Monday                                                                                             BORN OF EBRO RIVER

Departure from Soncillo  at 11:00pm
Interpretation Center and Ebro Walk from 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Return to Soncillo at 1:50pm

Tuesday                                                                                             PARK HOUSE

Departure from Soncillo   at 11:30pm                                       OJO GUAREÑA I
Visit and learn at Park house at 12:00pm to 13:30pm

Return to Amposta Parc at 13:50pm

Wednesday                                                                                    PISAS FALLS HIKE

Departure from Soncillo at 11:00pm The activity from 11:00pm to 1:30pm Return to Soncillo at 1:50pm

Thursday                                                                                        CAVE EXPERIENCE

Departure from Soncillo  at 11:00pm
Visit to the “Cave and Church”11:35pm to 13:20pm.
Return to Soncillo at 1:50pm

Friday                                                                                              CHAMBER OF RIC

Departure from Soncillo at 12:15pm Soncillo Gymkana 12:45pm to 13:45pm Return to Soncillo at 1:50pm

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